Would you like to get an overview of the stakeholders in the PIAI field?

We have started to identify organisations and institutions that can play an important role in the development of the field or Public Interest AI (PIAI). Are you missing a stakeholder? Let us know and we’ll be happy to add it!

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  • New York, USA

Accountable Tech

  • Washington, DC, USA

Ad hoc Committee on Artificial Intelligence (CAHAI)

  • Brussels, Belgium

Ada Lovelace Institute

  • London, UK

AI & Society Lab (HIIG)

  • Berlin , Germany

AI Campus (The Stifterverband)

  • Essen, Germany

AI For Good (ITU Konferenz Initative)

  • Geneva, Switzerland

AI for Good Foundation

  • El Cerrito, USA

AI for Peace

  • San Francisco, CA, USA

AI for People

  • Bologna, Italy

AI for Social Good (AI4SG)

  • San Jose, CA, USA

AI Forum New Zealand

  • Northshore, New Zealand

AI Now Institute

  • New York, NY, USA


  • Europe


  • Hamburg, Germany

Alan Turing Institute

  • London, UK

Algorithm Watch

  • Berlin, Germany

Algorithmic Fairness and Openness Group, UC Berkeley

  • Berkeley, CA, USA

Algorithmic Governance Research Network

  • Oslo, Norway

Algorithmic Impact Methods Lab (AIMLab)

  • New York, USA

Algorithmic Justice League

  • Cambridge, MA, USA

All Tech Is Human (ATIH)

  • New York, NY, USA


  • Amsterdam, Netherlands

Allen Institute for Artificial Intelligence

  • Washington, D.C., USA

Artificial Intelligence Center Hamburg e.V. (ARIC)

  • Hamburg, Germany

Aspen Institute

  • Washington, D.C., USA

Atomium European Institute for Science, Media & Democracy

  • Brussels, Belgium

Berggruen China Center, Berggruen Institute

  • China

Berkman Klein Center for Internet & Society, Harvard University

  • Cambridge, MA, USA

Block Center for Technology and Society, Carnegie Mellon University

  • Pittsburgh, PA, USA

Bristol Digital Futures Institute, Universtiy of Bristol

  • Bristol, United Kingdom

C Minds

  • Mexcio City, Mexico

Center for Advancing Safety of Machine Intelligence (CASMI), Northwestern University

  • Evanston, IL, USA

Center for Applied Data Ethics, University of San Francisco

  • San Francisco, CA, USA

Center for Critical Internet Inquiry, UC Los Angeles

  • Los Angeles, CA, USA

Center for Data Ethics and Justice, University of Virginia

  • Charlottesville, VA, USA

Center for Ethics - Ethics of AI Lab, University of Toronto

  • Toronto, Canada

Center for Ethics, Society, and Computing, University of Michigan

  • Ann Arbor, MI, USA

Center for Human-Compatible AI, UC Berkeley

  • Berkeley, CA, USA

Center for Information Technology and Policy, Princeton University

  • Princeton, NJ, USA

Center for Information Technology Research in the Interest of Society Policy Lab

  • Pittsburgh, PA, USA

Center for Law, Science, and Innovation, Arizona State University

  • Tempe, AZ, USA

Center for Responsible AI München

  • Munich, Germany

Center for Responsible AI, New York University

  • New York, NY, USA

Centre for Technomoral Futures

  • Edinburgh, Scotland

Center for Technology, Society & Policy, UC Berkeley

  • Berkeley, CA, USA

Center for trustworthy AI (ZVKI)

  • Berlin, Germany

Centre for AI Innovation (CEAI)

  • Singapore

Charité Lab for Artificial Intelligence in Medicine (CLAIM)

  • Berlin, Germany

CityLAB Berlin

  • Berlin, Germany

Civic Coding

  • Berlin, Germany

Coding It Forward

  • Washington, DC, USA

Cyber Valley

  • Stuttgart & Tübingen, Germany

Claire AI

  • Brussels, Belgium

Climate Change AI

  • Pittsburgh, USA


  • Brazil

Competence Center Machine Learning Rhine-Ruhr (ML2R) by Fraunhofer IAIS

  • Dortmund, Germany

CorrelAid e.V.

  • Berlin, Germany

Data and AI for Social Impact (IBM)

  • Armonk, NY, USA

Data Ethics

  • Copenhagen, Denmark

Data Science for Good, Boston University

  • Boston, MA, USA

Data Science for Social Impact, University of Pretoria

  • Tshwane, South Africa


  • New York, NY, USA


  • London, England

Denklabor und Kollaborationsplattform für Gesellschaft & Digitalisierung e.V. (Co:Lab)

  • Berlin, Germany

Digital Life Initiative, Cornell Tech

  • New York, NY, USA

Distributed Artificial Intelligence Research Institute (DAIR Institute)

  • Worldwide

Draper Laboratory

  • Cambridge, MA, USA

DrivenData Inc.

  • Denver, CO, USA

DQ Institute

  • Singapore

Einstein Center for digital Future

  • Berlin, Germany


  • Europe

European Artificial Intelligence Fund

  • Brussels, Belgium

European Centre for Algorithmic Transparency (European Comission)

  • Seville, Spain

European Comission

  • Brussels, Belgium


  • Oxford, UK


  • Brussels, Belgium

Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth (BMFSFJ)

  • Berlin,Germany

Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs (BMAS)

  • Berlin, Germany

Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety and Consumer Protection (BMUV)

  • Berlin,Germany

Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF)

  • Berlin, Germany

Ford Foundation

  • New York, USA


  • Brazil

German AI Association

  • Berlin, Germany

German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI)

  • Kaiserslautern, Germany

Germany's Platform for Artificial Intelligence

  • Munich, Germany

German Informatics Society (GI)

  • Bonn, Germany

Global AI Ethics Consortium, TUM Munich

  • Munich, Germany

Global AI Ethics Institute

  • Paris, France


  • Mountain View, USA

Hasso Plattner Institut (HPI)

  • Potsdam, Germany

Health Ethics & Policy Lab at ETH Zürich

  • Zürich, Switzerland

Helsinki (Finnland)

  • Helsinki, Finland

Hertie School Data Science Lab

  • Berlin, Germany

Hugging Face

  • Paris, France

Human Rights Data Analysis Group (HRDAG)

  • San Francisco, CA, USA

Hybrid Intelligence Centre

  • Amsterdam, Netherlands

IBM, Tech Ethics Center & Lab, University of Notre Dame

  • Notre Dame, IN, USA

Institute for Advanced Technology and Public Policy, California Polytechnic State University

  • San Luis Obispo, CA, USA

Institute for Ethics in AI, University of Oxford

  • Oxford, UK

Institute for Human-Centered AI (HAI), Stanford University

  • Stanford, CA, USA

Institute for Technology, Law & Policy, UC Los Angeles

  • Los Angeles, CA, USA

Institute for the Internet and the Just Society

  • Berlin, Germany


  • Berlin, Germany

Lakuna Fund

  • South Africa and Germany

Leverhulme Centre for the Future of Intelligence

  • Cambridge, UK


  • Washington D.C. and London, USA and UK


  • Southern Africa

Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems

  • Tübingen, Germany

Mercator Stiftung

  • Essen, Germany

Microsoft AI for Good

  • Redmont, USA


  • Montreal, Quebec, Canada

Microsoft: AI for Good

  • Redmond, USA

MIT Lincoln Laboratory

  • Lexington, MA, USA


  • McClean, VA, USA

Mozilla Foundation

  • San Francisco, USA

My Data Rights Africa

  • South Africa

Observatory on Artificial Intelligence in Work and Society

  • Berlin, Germany

Omidyar Network

  • Redwood City, USA

Open Data Berlin

  • Berlin, Germany

Open Data Institute

  • London, UK

Oxford Internet Institute (OII)

  • Oxford, UK

PIT Policy Lab

  • Mexico City, Mexico

Prototype Fund

  • Berlin, Germany

Public Interest Technology Lab, Harvard University

  • Cambridge, MA, USA

reframe[Tech] - Algorithmen fürs Gemeinwohl Project at Bertelsmann Stiftung

  • Gütersloh, Germany

Responsible AI Institute (RAI)

  • Austin, TX, USA

Responsible AI Learning Lab

  • Berlin, Germany

Responsible Technology Hub

  • Munich, Germany

Scottish AI Alliance

  • Edinburgh, Scotland

SRI International

  • Menlo Park, CA, USA

Stiftung Neue Verantwortung (SNV)

  • Berlin, Germany

Stuttgart Research Focus Interchange Forum for Reflecting on Intelligent Systems

  • Stuttgart, Germany

Sustainable AI Lab

  • Bonn, Germany

Tech Equity Collaborative

  • California, USA

Tech for Social Good

  • Sydney, Australia

Tech4Humanity Lab, Virginia Tech

  • Blacksburg, VA, USA

Tech for Social Good

  • Sydney, Australia

Technology and Society Program, Ford Foundation

  • New York, NY, USA

The Berlin Institute for the Foundations of Learning and Data (BIFOLD)

  • Berlin, Germany

The Bertelsmann Stiftung/Ethics of Algorithms

  • Gütersloh, Germany

The Center for AI and Digital Policy

  • Washington, DC, USA

The Digital Public Lab

  • Bengalore, India

The German Agency for International Cooperation (GIZ)

  • Bonn and Eschborn, Germany

The Institute for Ethical AI and Machine Learning

  • London, UK

The Policy Lab

  • Berlin, Germany

The Teaching Responsible Computing Community (Mozilla Foundation)

  • San Francisco, CA, USA


  • Tunis, Tunesia

TU Darmstadt

  • Darmstadt, Germany

Tübingen AI Center

  • Tübingen, Germany

Urban AI

  • Paris, France

Vodafone Institute for Society and Communications

  • Berlin, Germany

Volkswagen Stiftung

  • Hannover, Germany

Wadhwani Institute for Artificial Intelligence

  • New Dehli, India

We and AI

  • London, UK

Weizenbaum Institute

  • Berlin, Germany

Young and Resilient Research Centre, Western Sydney University

  • Sydney, Australia


  • Ebène, Mauritius

Zukunft – Umwelt – Gesellschaft (ZUG) gGmbH

  • Berlin, Germany

4TU Centre for Ethics and Technology

  • Wageningen, Netherlands